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  From: Olivier Galibert <>
  To  :
  Date: Wed, 26 Aug 1998 16:48:58 +0200

Some things that seem to be missing

I'm reading  the new documentation   and  some useful  functionalities
seems to be missing:
- visual aliasing.  Some  ggi_visual_t  ggiMakeAlias(vis).  This would
  make it possible to work on different frames or in with different GC
  values simultaneously in different  threads.  The alternative  is to
  pull the state from the visual and put it in an opaque GC structure.

- creating an "related" visual.  This means creating a visual in a new
  display but on  the same graphic device  that a given visual.  Under
  X,  it  would open a new  window,  under KGI  it  would create a new
  virtual terminal, etc...  One on the targets is to be able to have a
  GUI application (under XGGI/Berlin/whatever) that opens a fullscreen
  visual in  a  new  mode.  Useful  for  games,  slide   shows, public
  interactive systems with touch-screens...

- the pixel storing order of rectangles should not be specified.  This
  may prevent in  some   cases to use   hardware acceleration  for  no
  particular gain.

- the library  is not thread safe.   This is bad  bad bad bad  bad bad
  bad.   This is going back  5-10 years in  time.  It makes code using
  active threaded components a tremendous PITA to handle.  It probably
  makes gwt next to useless for anything but X.   Oh, and did I say it
  is bad?

There is also a need for pbuffer (and  not only pbuffers but something
generic) creation and management routines.  I'll do a serious proposal
next week.


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