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  From: Neal Tucker <>
  To  :
  Date: Wed, 26 Aug 1998 00:38:55 -0700

Re: New debugging macros in libggi

Andrew Apted says:
> Marcus writes:
> >  Hmm, you might be right about that. Should I change them to
> >  LIBGGI_IFERR and LIBGGI_APPIFERR ? Or does anyone have a better
> >  name?
> Stick with ASSERT imho.

Yes, I vote for ASSERT, but changing the meaning to be consistent
with assert(3).  The reason the assert(3) logic seems odd to you
is that you've probably started to equate the word "assert" with
"halt because something bad happened".  This isn't what it means.
It means "I assert (claim) the following:".  If the assertion is
false, that's a catastrophic error.

"I assert that 1 equals 2" causes an abort because the condition
is false.

-Neal Tucker

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