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  From: Johan Karlberg <>
  To  :
  Date: Tue, 25 Aug 1998 23:53:46 +0200 (CEST)


Was there anyone working on Trident drivers? I have a few 9440's and was
wondering if anyone needed testing...

Also, I found an old w32p card, turns out it's a revision A card, It
reports itself as a XGA class display adaptor, and reports no IRQ's, no
memory or port ranges, but a bios extention address I believe, is this
just a very exotic board or is it so idiotic I should even trow it away ;)

I also have some odd cards with more or less supported chipsets, but with
the following (as far as I know, unsupported RAMDAC's)

AT&T 20c490 (80Mhz) (on a w32p rev A card)
Chrontel CH8398 (on a w32p, rev C or D, not sure about it.. looking at the
chip, I would say rev C)

If these are compatible with anything existing, please let me know, I'm
doing the tvp3020 for a matrox card I have, an I might do one or more of
these while I'm in a RAMDAC mood unless someone tells me not ot...)


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