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  From: Johan Karlberg <>
  To  :
  Date: Tue, 25 Aug 1998 23:46:34 +0200 (CEST)


Last I heard there were problems with the multisync driver, well, I'm
running on my mystique with the Multisync driver (NEC XV15) and It wors
just fine with me.

I've not tried around too much, but the basics work (ie
640x480,800x600,1024x768) in 8/16/32 bpp, 24 is a bit messed up Manu told
me it was the Mystique using RGBA while kgicon wants ABGR or some such,
anyway, it hardly matters to me..

I've also tried a bit more freaky resolutions, like 1024x1024, 1400x175
and a whole list of others, and it seems to work for anything I can see a
point as to setting, as long as I stay out of 24bpp modes :)


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