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  From: Bob Nicksic <>
  To  : '' <>
  Date: Mon, 24 Aug 1998 23:13:50 -0500

FW: P5GX-LG clock help?

-----Original Message-----
From: []
Sent:	Sunday, August 23, 1998 10:42 PM
Subject:	Re: P5GX-LG clock help? 

     Dear Sir,
       The P5GX-LG has use clock chip ICS9159M,you use IC WORKS W48C60-414G
       Best Regards,
       ECS CSD,8/24/1998
______________________________ Reply Separator _________________________________
Subject: P5GX-LG clock help? 
Author:  Bob Nicksic <>  at internet-tpe 
Date:    1998/8/23 01:45 AM
        I own a PowerSpec 1800 computer that utilizes the P5GX-LG motherboard. 
am in need of the clock chip ID and any other related information, as I 
need this information to set up a Linux project driver.  The project in 
reference is the GGI Project, info available at  I 
believe the clock chip to be an ICS 9159M.  If I am incorrect, please 
advise of the proper clock ID.  If I am correct, please send me any clock 
chip related specs, info, etc....please forward any info to, as this address is the developer's communication 
Thank You,
Bob Nicksic

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