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  From: Steve Cheng <>
  To  : GGI Mailing List <>
  Date: Mon, 24 Aug 1998 18:21:24 -0400 (EDT)

libggi documentation...

Going over the libggi documentation again.

1)  I see this under "Color and Palette":

# You can not do calculations with <tt/ggi_pixel/ values. Well,
# you can, but you should not. The results would be
# unpredictable and system dependent.

Wrong, right?  We have ggiGetPixelFormat() now, so applications can try to
do calculations.

2) get rid of:

/* Utility functions

ggi_graphtype   ggiBPP2GT(int bpp);
int             ggiGT2BPP(ggi_graphtype graphtype);

? since these are superceded by new GT scheme.
(not in doc, but ggi/ggi.h)

3) int ggiGetc(ggi_visual_t vis):

# Gets a character from the keyboard. Blocks if no key is available.
# Return: a 16-bit Unicode character.
If so, it should return wchar_t.  But wchar_t can already be 32-bit.
ggi_key_event itself stores the syms as uint32, so should we just say
"returns unicode character?" No, wait, unicode is a *character set*, not the
encoding (UTF-8, canonical 16-bit, etc.) itself.  So this is really about
how we define characters in libggi.

4) Documenting ggiGamma* functions.

/* Gamma map manipulation
int ggiGetGamma(ggi_visual_t vis,ggi_float *r,ggi_float *g,ggi_float *b);
int ggiSetGamma(ggi_visual_t vis,ggi_float r,ggi_float g,ggi_float b);

int ggiGetGammaMap(ggi_visual_t vis,int s,int len,ggi_color *gammamap);
int ggiSetGammaMap(ggi_visual_t vis,int s,int len,ggi_color *gammamap);

What do these do ? 
(Better yet, write a description so I could put into the docs.)

Steve Cheng               

www: <>;

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