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  From: David Waite <>
  To  :
  Date: Mon, 24 Aug 1998 15:16:25 -0500

Re: kgicon, vga, S3 964

-----Original Message-----
From: Jan Kneschke <>

>On Mon, 24 Aug 1998, Dirk Lattermann wrote:

>> Perhaps someone of you is interested in this...
>sure, i'm interested, bur first i have to finish a web-project which is
>if noone else takes care of the driver i will do it at the end of this
>1. - web-project (nearly done) -> 31.08
>2. - fixing vision-driver for kgicon <- 01.09 -> 07.09
>3. - doing the proposed s3_common-driver <- 08.09 -> ??.??
>david, have your changes already entered the cvs ??

I'm very busy at this moment too =) Deadlines at work, school just started
back today, a *secret* project that a few people and I are doing for free
out of coolness of idea, and etc. (like social life stuff)

Getting my ramdac code working with the S3 driver is a priority as soon as I
finish up the secret project. hmm, I think it needs a linux port too =)

Right now my current state is that it will work with the MAG17T multisync
driver and no other (vesa timelist or monosync). mode apparently sets, but
the monitor goes into an illegal state and falls alseep.

It also works only at 800x600x32 and 640x480x32 (and various values in that
range), it doesn't work for lower colors, which makes me think it is some
big timing prob.

-David Waite

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