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  From: Jan Kneschke <>
  To  : GGI mailing list <>
  Date: Mon, 24 Aug 1998 19:12:26 +0200 (MEST)

Re: kgicon, vga, S3 964

On Mon, 24 Aug 1998, Dirk Lattermann wrote:

> Hello,
> I had success with the vga-kgicon. The modes
> 	320x200 8bpp
> 	640x200 1bpp
> 	640x400 1bpp
> 	640x480 1bpp
> worked (I had to switch consoles to see text, perhaps because I
> didn't use vga-fb but vgacon).
> IIRC 640x4?0 8bpp is not std vga and thus doesn't work with
> the vga driver. But what is the highest bpp that should work?
> And why doesnt 320x200 run with a lower bpp than 8?
> Scrolling back (shift+PgUp) doesnt work, either.
> But, I am happy to have a running kgicon-driver!
> The next thing I wanted to try, of course, is the native support
> of my S3 Vision 964 chip. Is this one still supported? In the
> driver source, 86c96x.c, the function call for detecting a 964 is
> commented out, only 968 is probed. I removed the comment and now
> insmod (with DEBUG_LEVEL 255) complains about a wrong mem_law.
> With the old Dali driver, there was an insmod option (I think law_base)
> which I could set to the value of my .X.err file (0xf3000000). This
> option doesn't seems to exist any longer. I tried to insert this value
> into the struct s3_964_mem_law (second and fourth value), but it's
> already rather obscure to me what I'm doing by this.
> Perhaps someone of you is interested in this...
sure, i'm interested, bur first i have to finish a web-project which is very

if noone else takes care of the driver i will do it at the end of this

1. - web-project (nearly done) 			-> 31.08
2. - fixing vision-driver for kgicon		<- 01.09 -> 07.09
3. - doing the proposed s3_common-driver	<- 08.09 -> ??.??

david, have your changes already entered the cvs ??

if i can't meet the second deadline, hit me please. .) 

btw: a small info for all the vision86x-user out there, the support for your
gfx-card is comming with the s3_common-driver. one card of these type will
enter my s3-gfx-card-edition at wednesday.
> -- 
> Dirk Lattermann   | Information is not knowledge | Beauty is not love
> | Knowledge is not wisdom      | Love is not music
> Bonn, Germany     | Wisdom is not truth          | Music is THE BEST
> PGP Key available | Truth is not beauty          |             (Frank Zappa)

thats all

       Project: GGI - S3-Vision-driver --
         -)=  Jan (Weigon) Kneschke -- Kiel -- Northern Germany =(-

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