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  To  :
  Date: Mon, 3 Aug 1998 23:50:01 +0200 (MEST)

Re: Should project use GGI?

Hi !

> I am new to GGI(and this list), but it seems like a very good idea.  

Thanks and welcome !

> I am beginning to write a fairly simple 2-D game under Linux and I was 
> wondering if libggi(libggi2d?) is currently stable/mature enough to use 
> for the graphics/input or would it be better to develop using something 

Yeah - should be stable enough. LibGGI is quite mature. If you develop
using X (and your X is stable of course), you should be pretty much safe
from shooting yourself in the foot (which is a common problem when using
SVGAlib). You can run fullscreen later, when you are confident the program
doesn't crash badly at an unsuitable place.

> else right now and then port to GGI later?

If you like the API I see nothing that would speak against using it. 
On what "target" (as we call the thing we really display on, like X,
SVGAlib, fbcon, KGI, Glide) would you like to develop/run otherwise ? 

CU, Andy

= Andreas Beck                    |  Email :  <> =

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