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  From: teunis <>
  To  : GGI Developers <>
  Date: Sun, 23 Aug 1998 16:51:09 -0700 (MST)

3D Graphics Library (libGGI3D) design ideas...

Hiya.  Just working on a text describing a libGGI3D set of libs..
(yes I mean set.. .:)

I've decided to follow OpenGL (mostly) for a start 'cause it, like,
exists, eh? :)

Already spotted some weaknesses... I -hate- built-in limits!
(compile-time limits to libs that is)....

Anyways, rather than one monolithic library I'm designing a whole raft of
different inter-related libs...  ie (libGGI3Dmath, libGGI3Drasterization,
...)   I don't know how it'll turn out but this could be fun! :)

Anyways a question:
	Can GGI targets call back to calls they overrid?
	(this would be handy as sometimes this could be needed)
	Also - can variables be overridden?

Just curious.  My own code can do this (object-management) but can GGI's
DL support?

Also there will initially be one target then three:
	1. Mesa [target]
	2. speed [some calls may be missing altogether.  initially quite
	3. Accuracy [ie: match OpenGL's requirements who cares about

Gonna add a bunch of extensions too (such as infinite planes - providing I
can get an API for them...  where would I? :)

I don't care if anyone adopts this as a libGGI3D model but it's fun to
design :)

Hmm.  Also - is it possible to request a list of supported API's?  Or will
I have to design a call myself?  I don't mean this thing to -be- OpenGL or
I'd be fubar.  I just mean this as an easy step to building opengl drivers
for Mesa or 3D drivers for other toys (like Direct3D).  Any of the
components can be skipped and the -entire- engine will be open to

More in a couple of days - I'm just writing it up now.
Initial model prolly by end of week with Mesa target.  Other targets will
follow :)

G'day, eh? :)
	- Teunis

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