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  From: Jeff <>
  To  :,,
  Date: 03 Aug 1998 14:50:18 -0700

Re: Linux GameDev IRC meeting (fwd)

> In addition the commercial developers have to be invited personally via mail
> about one week before the announcement is posted. These invitations will have
> to contain the main announcement plus some more items:
> * A list of the projects providing _portable_ libraries (see note below)
> * Again stressing that we do NOT want to flame them
> Notes:
> * The commercial people will be interested most in *portable* APIs/SDKs/...
> Itīs easier to convince them to use some new library if this lib 
> supports Win32 *and* Playstation *and* MacOS *and* Linux in a portable
> way instead of *only* Linux.
> * Up to now we have email addresses of developers at, Westwood and
> Activision (not sure about the last one). We need more!
> * I personally would like to see the Big meeting in about one month (end of
> August). We'll have to discuss that, too
> I'm not sure whether our mailing list (
> accepts mail from non-subscribed people. If you cannot send your comments etc
> to it, please try my personal mail account ( Thx

it is folly to try to support cross-platform to the PSX...I am a
professional game developer (most of what I do is on the PSX, been
doing that platform for about 2.5 years now) and it is so proprietary
that it would be a large waste of memory and speed (which is sorely
needed on a 2 meg 33MHz machine) to try to put a layer in between the
game and the hardware API (which, given, sucks, but it's more in how
it's laid out more than it's speed).  Concentrate more on going
linux/win32/mac/un*x than trying to port to a console as well (never
mind the NDA issues)...


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