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  From: Andrew Apted <>
  To  :
  Date: Mon, 24 Aug 1998 00:26:53 +1000

Re: debugging libggi...

Marcus writes:

>  >     int first = vis->app_dbs.first_targetbuf;
>  >     int last = vis->app_dbs.last_targetbuf;
>  Ouch, I thought I tested that code. :-(
>  It's fixed now anyway.
>  > Marcus, what are these for ?
>  If we want extensions to be able to handle DirectBuffers the
>  target needs to know which buffers that belongs to it.
>  The idea is that extensions that mess with the DB lists update
>  these entries accordingly, so the target can now which buffers
>  to free.

OK, but it doesn't sound very scalable.  What if two extensions
(assuming that's possible simultaneously) both have DBs, do we add 
extra fields to ggi_db_list ??  I'd prefer a tag-based approach (i.e.
buffer A belongs to library B).

Also, I thought whether extensions added directbuffers to the same list
(and same function calls) or whether they used their own list/function
calls was still an open question.  Did I miss something ?

_____________________________________________  ____
                                               \  /
  Andrew Apted   <>       \/

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