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  From: Bob Nicksic <>
  To  : '' <>
  Date: Sun, 23 Aug 1998 04:02:33 -0500

GX Driver

Greetings all,

OK, I have some new info on my box.  I do have the 5342 GENDAC (had to pull 
my modem so I could see it, but I am still unsure of the clock chip ).  I 
emailed tech support for my motherboard about the clock chip this evening; 
waiting for reply.  General info can be found at:

The following remain constant for all module compiles:

monosync vga
gx chip driver
gx accel driver
ics 5342 gendac

For fixed clocks, I tried std VGA and ICS 5300.  For both I got a 
"pulsating starfield" display and was unable to change VC's.

For prog clocks, I tried both ICS clocks and got a blank screen until I 
changes VC.  Upon changing VC, I  received a flickering and repeated (4x) 
welcome screen that cut off about 6 characters from the left.
(i.e. "e to Linux 2.1.117")

All four module inserts had to be rebooted in order to stabilize.  If you 
need any more info, let me know (and possible how to obtain it).

Your personal GX Guinea Pig,


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