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  From: Andrew Apted <>
  To  :
  Date: Sun, 23 Aug 1998 15:27:59 +1000

Re: FB size of 0Kb?

Sengan Baring-Gould writes:

>  Ok it says:
>  Cyrix MediaGX chipset driver rev $Revision: 1.2 $
>  MediaGX and GX5510 companion chip detected
>  2MB framebuffer and 3KB scratchpad detected
>  Monosync monitor driver rev $ Revision: 1.3 $
>  monosync.c:92: standard 14" VGA (800x480 pxl, 240x180 mm2, 31-31 Khz,
>  50-70 Hz)
>  ICS 5342 DAC driver rev $Revision: 1.2 $
>  ICS 5342 PLL driver rev $Revision: 1.2 $
>  Cyrix MediaGX graphics driver rev $Revision: 1.2$
>  Manufacturer Model driver loaded
>  kgifb_init: xres 640 yres 400 bpp 8 vaddr 0x0 padr 0x0 size 0
>  fb1: KGI frame buffer device using 0K of video memory
>  I don't like the bottom line: why 0K?

It looks like the mode isn't being set.  After the mode is set, the mmio
field of kgifb_display.mode is supposed to have the physical/virtual
addresses and fb size (I assume the MediaGX driver does this properly).

Could you get the latest snapshot, and set "DEBUG_LEVEL" in
kgicon/kgi/fbcon-kgi.c to 2, and post the output ?  

Ahhhh...  Make sure you put "kgicon_virty=400" on the insmod command
line -- KGI drivers are meant to maximum the virtual height if it is 0
but many do not support this (maybe the MediaGX too ?).

I will get rid of this virty=0 "feature" ASAP -- it causes too many
problems.  I guess the ET6000 driver is just too good :)  *ducks*

_____________________________________________  ____
                                               \  /
  Andrew Apted   <>       \/

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