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  From: Peter Amstutz <>
  To  :
  Date: Sun, 23 Aug 1998 01:28:48 -0400 (EDT)

debugging libggi...

Right now the X target seems broken (I'm working against anon cvsdevel
from a few hours ago) 
and I'm busy bughunting, but I'd like to make a suggestion for the
makefiles - debugging and fancy compiler optomizations don't mix.  There
is really no reason for the developer tree to have all optomizations
enabled when the net effect is to really screw up gdb and cause headaches
for insectoid exterminators...

Peter Amstutz

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  GCS d- s:+ a--- C++>$ UL++++>$ P+(++) L++>$ E W++ N+ !o K w-- !O M-() !V
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