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  From: Faramir <>
  To  : mailing list GGI <>
  Date: Mon, 3 Aug 1998 22:40:43 +0100 (BST)

GGI compile?

	I've been watching GGI for a little while now and am very keen to
get my hands dirty. Having downloaded the devel CVS and messed around with
it, I've failed to get a working kernel.  The first problem seems to be
that patch file provided is only for 2.1.105. Compiling produced a series
of errors which I spent time trying to resolve, resulting in a kernel
which crashed on bootup.  I've tried various configurations.
	I keep seeing people posting about their changes, some using very
recent devel kernels and I'm wondering what hackery they're using so they
can develop. 
	Am I missing something? Please advise,


Beauty is in the eye of the beer holder... 

Robert 'Faramir' Snell 
PGP-5i   hkp://
phone:   ask

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