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  From: Tristan Wibberley <>
  To  :
  Date: Sun, 23 Aug 1998 04:01:08 +0100

Re: Can I do that ?

Olivier Galibert wrote:

> [1]  Is  there any  hardware out  there  that  provides functionnality
> implemented in gwt?

Yes, just about everything - because we haven't exactly implemented much
functionality yet ;o)

Look out next week for a better version, but it is/will be very
experimental code.

But when GWT approaches a mature state, some hardware that does anything
in a window (eg S3 STREAMS, and 3dfx voodoo 3d-in-a-window,
video-in-a-window cards, SGI hardware [a very different situation
though], and prolly a couple of other examples) will benefit from
exporting it's accels - but this is a way in future.


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