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  From: Kendall Bennett <>
  To  :
  Date: Sat, 22 Aug 1998 19:12:01 -0800

ANN: SciTech Display Doctor for Linux Beta

Dear Linux Aficionado,

SciTech is readying the first release of SciTech Display Doctor for 

SciTech Display Doctor is the universal display driver utility that
supports over 250 different graphics chips -- just about every one 
ever made. SciTech Display Doctor for Linux will bring SciTech's 
proven device driver technology to the Linux platform (x86 only at 
this point in time).

SciTech is looking for all types of Linux users to help us stress 
test the utility before its final release. If you would like to 
participate in a beta, please fill out the form below and reply to 
this email (

For more information about SciTech or current versions of SciTech 
Display Doctor, please see


The SciTech Display Doctor Beta Team

SciTech Display Doctor for Linux Beta Application

Name: ____________________________________________________________

Company: _________________________________________________________

Phone: ___________________________________________________________

Email: ___________________________________________________________

Linux Version: ___________________________________________________

CPU TYPE: ________________________________________________________

Graphics controller type(s);

Board vendor/model              Chip vendor    chip type

Applications used:

Why are you interested in testing this utility?

Other useful information:

[  ] I am not affiliated with a company that develops display drivers

I hereby certify that the information I provided above is true and 
correct and I agree to be bound by the terms of SciTech's beta 
license agreement.



Please return this form to Thank you for
your interest in SciTech products!

|        SciTech Software - Building Truly Plug'n'Play Software!           |
| Kendall Bennett                     | Email:    |
| Director of Engineering             | Phone: (530) 894 8400              |
| SciTech Software, Inc.              | Fax  : (530) 894 9069              |
| 505 Wall Street                     | ftp  :         |
| Chico, CA 95928, USA                | www  :  |

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