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  From: Emmanuel Marty <>
  To  :
  Date: Sat, 22 Aug 1998 21:27:40 +0000

Re: Short CVS downtime thursday aug.27

> I have to dissapoint both of you, I've already ported it... ;-)

This is no disappointment at all. Thanks.. I'll try to test it RSN on
5510 & 5520. It sounds like you ported it right though, since it shows
the expected behavior on Bob Nicksic's machine (no sync, as he has no
supported clockchip, but at least the driver is touching the hardware
and doing the expected behavior).

> Or rather I've made it compile. I can't test it beyond the detection
> part as I don't have any GX hardware, but at least it inserts
> correctly and then prints "error: GX processor not detected".

Sounds about fair.

> I'm still waiting for a daring test-pilot to test if it actually
> works. ;)

I'll try it on 5510 & 5520; and Sengan will adapt it to 5530 he

Thanks again :)


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