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  From: Emmanuel Marty <>
  To  :
  Date: Sat, 22 Aug 1998 21:25:32 +0000

Re: VGA driver removal

> incidentally, I have this white block following cursor everywhere after
> removing VGA driver...  any ideas?
> (I personally don't care because this means I can now work on ViRGE stuff
> and will keep primary display as fbcon after this :)

That sounds remarkably like you having both the hardware (the blinking
small bar) and software (the big character-size white block atari-type (phew))
cursor displayed at the same time. I programmed the hardware cursors
in fbcon, and I remember seeing that.

Any idea about how I can reproduce this ? Probably the software cursor
gets turned on again when switching back to regular vgafb - should be trivial
to fix.


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