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  From: Emmanuel Marty <>
  To  :
  Date: Sat, 22 Aug 1998 21:18:25 +0000

Re: MediaGX driver

Bob Nicksic wrote:

> The GX driver from 980820 devel does compile.  However, since I do not have
> a clock driver, my monitor doesn't sync when insert is run.  Kernel is
> 2.1.117.

It means that Marcus ported it right though (it does what the Dali
driver did, correct ?). Sengan Baring-Gould of Cyrix said he will see if
he can get information about your chip, as it appears Cyrix doesn't
support directly. I couldn't get information about the ICS 9159M on (register-level information, I mean; that information is available
for the ICS 5342A-C though, so I don't gt it).

I'm sorry I haven't replied to your private email for 10 days or
something, but your guess is right - I _am_ very busy : work and
sweetheart :P


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