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  From: Steve Cheng <>
  To  :
  Date: Sat, 22 Aug 1998 12:48:50 -0400 (EDT)

Re: libggi release (was Re: libggi internals (Re: LibGGI3D RFC))

On Sat, 22 Aug 1998, Marcus Sundberg wrote:

> Why is everyone so obsessed with releases?
> Releasing something that isn't ready will only hurt our cause.

"Release early and often" :-)

I'm (and I'm sure everybody else) is tired of having the GGI project ignored
by everyone else.

> If people want to start coding for libggi they can just get a
> snapshot.

But people don't know libggi even exists..

(I'll stop here -- DTJC)

> Implementing the new graphtype scheme and correct GGI_AUTO/modesuggest
> handling. Currently there's _no_ target that support's any of those
> properly. (Try passing GT_PALETTE or GT_TRUECOLOR as graphtype and
> try to find a target that won't fail...)

> before we make a release that we say is beta quality.
> Remember that "beta" in the Unix OpenSource world means that it's
> far more stable than most products in the M$ world ever gets...

Ok, alpha.

> Defenitely. Actually I would like to call it 1.0, because that's what
> it really is, but there seems to have been some version-number 
> inflation back before I joined the GGI project...

Speculation: maybe the old static ggilib took up versions < 1.0.x ?

Steve Cheng               

www: <>;

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