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  From: Sengan Baring-Gould <>
  To  :
  Date: Sat, 22 Aug 1998 09:28:26 -0600

Re: Kgicon & the sysctl stuff

Sengan Baring-Gould wrote:

> > Often you need to switch VC and then switch back to get a
> > display. Did you do that?
> Yes that worked. But no cursor. Is the /dev/fb stuff necessary
> for kgicon to work? under /proc/modules the kgicon usage count
> is zero.

I added the fb stuff (fbset took a while to coax into compiling)
__u32 not defined, etc. I also symlinked in fb0current, fb1current...
to fb0, fb1...fb4.

Now it hangs on insertion. Unlike previously I can't switch terminals,
keyboard's dead. Ideas? I have not tried "VGAFB" whatever that is.
Where are the docs on how to try that?

Also that kgicon_virty=400 is a compile option or a module insertion



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