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  From: David Waite <>
  To  :
  Date: Sat, 22 Aug 1998 12:16:57 -0500

Re: still no KGICON working...

-----Original Message-----
From: Marcus Sundberg <>

>>         Try using monosync [S]VGA.  That's what I use.
>As everyone seems to recommend the monosync driver I just thought
>I'd let you know that the multisync driver (configured for Samsung
>SyncMaster15GL, which is what I have) works fine for me at least
>(with both CL542x and Millennium drivers)

Yes, and for some reason with the broken timing of the driver setup I have
right now (S3 Vision 968/IBM RGB52x) things will only work when I have the
multisync driver loaded. Otherwise the monitor won't sync (illegal mode I
guess) and flashes video on and off =)

-David Waite

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