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  From: Steve Cheng <>
  To  : GGI Mailing List <>
  Date: Mon, 3 Aug 1998 17:38:51 -0400 (EDT)

setinfoflags and mansync changes

Been trying to do the ggiSetInfoFlags changes, but some obscure error
stalled me for days.  Now that I got it working now, I want to set the
mansync stuff straight as well -

1) MANSYNC_* macros that require a visual take it as an argument rather than
   hardcoding vis, for aesthetics reasons.

2) MANSYNC_DOFLUSH seems to be an exception to the above, for non-pthread
   code, to accomodate multiple mansync visuals.  

   We'll leave it as taking no arguments for MANSYNC_CHILD, and all mansync
   visuals should share the mansync_hook_with_a_clashpreventing_name hack so
   you can use e.g. X and AAlib sync mode together.  

   pthread code takes vis as argument -- yes, it's inconsistent, but mansync
   isn't an automatic feature anyway.

   And I suggest renaming the variable to _GGI_mansync_hook because the
   above name is too long!

Is this OK?  Other comments or criticisms?

Steve Cheng               

www: <>;

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