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  From: Matthew Crosby <>
  To  :
  Date: Mon, 3 Aug 1998 17:21:03 -0400 (EDT)

signal vs sigset

Is there any reason not to use safe signals, ie sigaction vs signal?
Are there really any systems out there that don't have sigaction?

Right now, I'm having problems with ggi and the X target on both
solaris and glibc, with programs quitting every now and again with
profile alarms from the itimer used in disply/common/
Changing the signal function calls to sigset fixes this, since the
signal handler is never removed.  However I believe some BSDs don't
have sigset?  Looking at Stevens, it seems sigaction (which sigset is
just a wrapper function for) is in Posix.1, and therefore should be
supported everywhere.

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