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  From: Sengan Baring-Gould <>
  To  :
  Date: Fri, 21 Aug 1998 18:28:08 -0600

Re: Short CVS downtime thursday aug.27

Emmanuel Marty wrote:

> Hello everyone,
> Sorry for being quiet lately, I'm quite busy with work :( I'm still reading
> the mailing list closely and I'm very happy of the kgicon progress :)
> Sengan, I'll port the MediaGX driver to fbcon, unless you really want to :) And
> I need docs on the ICS 9159M clock chip, if you have any; I couldn't
> find any register-level spec at ics website .. I have someone with
> a 5510 board based on that chip (Bob Nicksic, I saw he mailed the list) and
> I'd like to get the driver to run on his system too :)

I'm quite happy for anyone to do the port. I will only have time to get the
5530working -- and even that is unsure given the amount of work there is. I've
heard of the ICS9159M... I'll see if anyone at work knows about it on Monday. It
could be unsupported, if an OEM got a good deal and did the SoftVGA port


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