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  From: Marcus Sundberg <>
  To  :
  Date: Fri, 21 Aug 1998 20:51:18 +0200

Re: DirectBuffer extension requests?!(!) (was Re: LibGGI3D RFC)

> Perhaps extension libraries should just define their own DirectBuffers,
> and then override the ggiDBGetNumBuffers and ggiDBGetBuffer functions to
> wiggle them in front of the normal DirectBuffers.  I don't know.  

Just overriding the functions won't work, because they still return
a ggi_directbuffer pointer...
But adding equivalent ggi2d/3dDB* functions which returns 
ggi2d/32_directbuffer pointers should work fine.

On the other hand, as you'll need to request all offscreen buffers
"manually", there's no point in having the ggiDB* functions for those

The same function that requests a buffer simply returns a pointer
to the requested buffer. Sounds good?

> I think putting libggi3d buffers (ETC) into the main libggi header file
> (ggi.h) would be a bad idea (management-wise), probably best if libggi3d
> only buffers (e.g. z-buffer) belong in libggi3d headers, & libggi2d only
> buffers (e.g. stencil buffer) belong in libggi2d headers, etc...

Yes, you have a point there.


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