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  From: James A Simmons <>
  To  :
  Date: Fri, 21 Aug 1998 08:31:49 -0400 (EDT)

Re: libggi internals (Re: LibGGI3D RFC)

> > > We'll need to get Degas-KGI working and show that it is clearly superior
> > > and doesn't break things in the kernel before people will look at an
> > > alternative to fbdev.  Especially if kgicon drivers can be accelerated.

Yes I agree. Imagine if ix86 cards can do advance 3D. People will come
knocking at are door.
> > Well, I don't thing there'll be a "Degas-KGI".
> > Steffens new KGI is still in the design phase, 

> 	At this point I favor a more evolutionary approach.  fbdev is the
> established standard.  We might have more luck "upgrading" fbdev slowly
> from the inside rather than coming in with a completely new KGI system all
> at once.

I completely agree. Also as more non x86 non PCI buse video cards are
ported to kgicon then we should conside a new KGI standard. 

> > and I haven't heard
> > anything about GGI Console since it was spitted out from CVS.
> 	It really is a completely separate project now.  I realize that it
> is called "GGI console", but it really is disjoint.  So is KII, really.

Yes. Kgicon (KGI) will eventually grow into GGI Console.
> 	Based on kgicon?  No problem with that, I am just wondering.  If
> so, we need to get cracking on pushing acceleration ioctls through the
> fbcon/fbdev interface.


> > As for kgicon we need to announce it's existance on COLA within a few
> > weeks to get more testers, and hopefully developers.

Yes we do. 

> 	I have been flogging it heavily on linux-kernel, and will continue
> to do so whenever the subject comes up (which, given fbcon, happens a lot
> lately).
> > There are lots of people out there that doesn't know what GGI is,
> > and unfortunately also people that knows GGI as "the crap with the
> > ugly yellow blockcursor, which made everything on my system stop
> > working"

Ah. This is not good. I tried the recruit people from the newgroups
approach. Yes it takes alot of time.

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