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  From: Olivier Galibert <>
  To  :
  Date: Fri, 21 Aug 1998 14:02:11 +0200

Re: libggi internals (Re: LibGGI3D RFC)

On Fri, Aug 21, 1998 at 12:03:32PM +0200, Marcus Sundberg wrote:
> IMO libggi, libgwt, libggi2d and libggi3d (and definitely kgicon)
> should be in different tarballs when we make releases. First of all
> it's rediculous to try getting 5 completely different products to
> follow an identical release cycle. Secondly not everyone is
> interrested in all packages.

Beware.  Any   *really* accelerated KGI   driver will probably combine
commands from libggi, libggi2d and  sometimes libggi3d to send them to
the acceleration  fifo since most cards  can't handle context changes,
especially context changes with unfinished commands.  Which means that
for a  card  you have one  KGI  driver with  an associated  user-level
libggi/ggi2d/ggi3d extension.

This means that specialized drivers are dependant  on all libggi* libs
and on kgicon   too probably.  If  you do  unsynchronized releases for
each of them life will be terrible for those who want to maintain some
of them.


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