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  From: Marcus Sundberg <>
  To  :
  Date: Fri, 21 Aug 1998 12:03:32 +0200

Re: libggi internals (Re: LibGGI3D RFC)

> > Anyhow we'll most certainly have to make a release before those
> > things are done.
> 	Based on kgicon?  No problem with that, I am just wondering.  If
> so, we need to get cracking on pushing acceleration ioctls through the
> fbcon/fbdev interface.

Well, see my comment below. But yes, we need to make some release of
kgicon too in the near future.

> > My plans for libggi is that when Andy gets back it'll take maybe
> > two weeks to set the API in stone. Then a few more weeks to implement
> > it to 100% for the most common targets. After that it's time to relase
> > libggi Beta1, which will be announced on COLA. And I hope we can have
> > a rock-solid libggi 2.0.0 out by December, with a few targets possibly 
> > marked as "experimental".
> 	What are the chances of LibGGI3D being part of 2.0?  It is
> perfectly alright if that doesn't happen - I would *much* rather get 2.0
> out the door on time.

IMO libggi, libgwt, libggi2d and libggi3d (and definitely kgicon)
should be in different tarballs when we make releases. First of all
it's rediculous to try getting 5 completely different products to
follow an identical release cycle. Secondly not everyone is
interrested in all packages.

But if libggi3d is in any state suitable for release (be it alpha,
beta, gamma or even stable) by then there's nothing that stops
us from doing simultaneous releases.

> > As for kgicon we need to announce it's existance on COLA within a few
> > weeks to get more testers, and hopefully developers.
> 	I have been flogging it heavily on linux-kernel, and will continue
> to do so whenever the subject comes up (which, given fbcon, happens a lot
> lately).

Ok, thats good.
Maybe we should set up a list to which people can forward articles from
linux-kernel that are of interrest to the GGI project?
I'd like to help "marketing" kgicon, but I just don't have time to go
through all the messages in linux-kernel...

        Marcus Sundberg        |
 Royal Institute of Technology |       Phone: +46 707 295404
       Stockholm, Sweden       |      E-Mail:

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