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  From: Olivier Galibert <>
  To  :
  Date: Fri, 21 Aug 1998 05:31:30 +0200

Can I do that ?

With GGI, and existing extensions if needed, can I:
- open a 256x256x(3b  per color) screen (having  to go to 15/16/24bits
  is of course acceptable :-)
- create four 272x272x(9+) pixel buffers
- every  vbl  update part  of the   buffers by   copying in them  some
  rectangular pictures in main memory.  These pictures' depth is 7bits
  and require a color table lookup for each pixel.
- every vbl copy each pbuffer in the display buffer with transparency.
  Some   transferts will be  done in  4 rectangular  parts to simulate
  panning.  Of course, double-buffering has to be used.

If the hardware if appropriate, all of  this should be done within the
card, of course.  Otherwise the libggi* will have to emulate all these
in main memory, the fastest possible of course[1].

Can one do that?  If no, what is missing?


PS: I  hope you have gone  away from this "the user  has to change the
base y for double-buffering" thingy, eh?

[1] Which should be almost as fast as a specialized implementation for
the  application, and maybe even faster  because this can be tuned for
the target hardware.

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