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  From: Marcus Sundberg <>
  To  :
  Date: Fri, 21 Aug 1998 02:48:10 +0200

Re: fresh install

> Hi, could someone please point me to info about doing a fresh kgi
> install on a linux 2.1.116 kernel? Trying to follow the instructions
> in the recent snapshot archives didn't work very well. Or I seriously
> misunderstood something. For example, trying to do "make patch_kernel" 
> like the README.INSTALL says, the Makefile seems to expect a "patches" 
> directory which is not there.

As Nikita already told you you should currently look at 
degas/kgicon/README.install for installation instructions.

I've now scrapped degas/Makefile, degas/configure and degas/README*
as 95% of it were not relevant for the current source tree.
Instead I've added a single degas/README file that describes
what is currently in the tree, and how to build it.

Please check it for errors or mistakes.


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