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  From: Kien Pham <>
  To  :
  Date: Wed, 19 Aug 1998 23:35:43 -0700 (PDT)


Hi...don't mean to put in my meaningless two bits....but you are
completely right. GGI lacks a big user base. Creating a new API that
people have to learn will only alienate some perspective users. By
adopting OpenGL, you are enabling OpenGL programmers(there are quite a
few) to port their software striaght to GGI. I can only see this as a
plus. If anyone feels that this feat is too complicated, you guys can
start by implementing a subset....basically what Paul says. He's on to
something good. Come on, do the right thing. <grin> 

---Paul Sargent <> wrote:

> I guess you can see my standpoint. Yes, GL is a beast, but it's Open
> some senses of the word), it's cross platform, and developers like it.
> So why not use it as a final target, and start on the road towards
> It sounds to me that you want libGGI3D to be a rasterizer only lib.
> That's good, that is the part which can gain from the most
> So lets implement just the rasterizer functions to the OpenGL API.
> is basically what people like 3Dfx did for Windows with their MiniGL
> drivers.
> Paul
> P.S. I'd like to be on any list that was started up for this.
> --
> Paul Sargent, 
> 3Dlabs Inc. Ltd,

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