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  From: Sengan Baring-Gould <>
  To  :
  Date: Wed, 19 Aug 1998 19:03:43 -0600

Re: setting up GGI

> First of all, make sure you delete all old GGI-related include
> files (/usr/include/kgi /usr/include/ggi /usr/local/include/kgi
> /usr/local/include/ggi or wherever they may be)
> Secondly you need a recent kernel with fbcon (I'd recommend
> >= 2.1.114), and you need to make
> /usr/src/linux/drivers/video/kgicon a symlink to
> degas/kgicon/kgi, and /usr/src/linux/include/kgi a symlink
> to degas/kgicon/include
> Thirdly, the MediaGX and a few drivers were not converted to
> work with kgicon (they were written for the old Dali KGI
> system). I have now done this for all drivers in the devel CVS
> tree. I've tested the MediaGX driver and it now compiles out of
> the box. It will insert without any missing symbols into my
> 2.1.114 kernel, and then fail with:
> error: GX processor not detected
> which is perfectly normal as I don't own any GX hardware. ;-)

Great. I'll try it out as soon as I can.


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