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  From: Marcus Sundberg <>
  To  :
  Date: Thu, 20 Aug 1998 02:17:38 +0200

Re: setting up GGI

> An example of this is that the Makefile will expect "patches" directory
> under "degas", but there is no such directory. The actual patches directory
> is buried somewhere near "kgicon", I think (can't remember right now). I
> also had to fix some scripts to look in "os/Linux" (there was an error with
> the directory name). This was from a snapshot of a couple of days ago, so
> it may have been fixed already.
> You've suggested the use of >2.1.114 kernel, but 2.1.105 was the greatest
> kernel version for which the patches existed in the snapshot that I used.

If your snapshot had a "patches" or "os/Linux" directory it must have
been a quite old snapshot. (Well ehm, old to me is something like more
than one week. ;)

Kgicon does not require you to patch the kernel - there isn't even any
patch. I've added a degas/kgicon/README.install file that you might
want to read (but most of what's in there I've already told you)

> Thanks for the help with the MediaGX issues. I will try out the new
> snapshot soon.
> I have a few new questions:
> 1. I was playing with modules today and I get these error messages from
> modprobe "modprobe ... Out of file handle". What does it mean and how do I
> fix that?

Not sure about that, but it might be that you have an old modutils 
package. Please read linux/Documentation/Changes in the kernel source-
tree you're using and make sure that you have the required version of
modutils (and everything else)

> 2. In the patched and rebuilt kernel 2.1.105 I lost the screen scroll
> capability (Shift+PgUp and Shift+PgDown). Why did this happen and how do I
> get it back?

You should not use any version of GGI that requires patching the
kernel at this time. Kgicon is currently the only reccomended way
of using KGI drivers. With kgicon you should have working scrollback.
Either wait for the 980820 devel snapshot or get the 980819 devel
snapshot and apply my patch. I can't guarantee that the GX driver
actually works as I don't have any GX hardware, but it will


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