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  From: Olivier Galibert <>
  To  :
  Date: Thu, 20 Aug 1998 01:34:16 +0200


On Wed, Aug 19, 1998 at 03:50:34PM -0700, Jon M. Taylor wrote:
> 	KGI drivers should support whatever the hardware supports.  If the
> hardware supports triangle sets, so should the KGI driver.

Hmmm, may I  amend this sentence?  I'd  rewrite it as "The  KGI driver
should  support whatever  the  hardware supports   and  that cannot be
handled safely and efficiently in userspace".  Do you agree?

SGI hardware needs almost no kernel support.

> 	Backface culling should be done to the triangle sets (which
> presumably representing polyhedra in this case) before sending them to
> LibGGI3D for rendering.

What if the hardware itself does backface culling ?

Or maybe we need another library to  abstract the geometry engine part
of modern hardware?


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