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  From: Nikita Proskourine <>
  To  :
  Date: Wed, 19 Aug 1998 19:02:11 -0400

Re: setting up GGI

>> It took me a while to
>> get at least some of it to work. Makefile doesn't work because the
>> directory names in the makefile don't match the actual tree.
>Hmm, sounds weird, could you specify that problem please.

An example of this is that the Makefile will expect "patches" directory
under "degas", but there is no such directory. The actual patches directory
is buried somewhere near "kgicon", I think (can't remember right now). I
also had to fix some scripts to look in "os/Linux" (there was an error with
the directory name). This was from a snapshot of a couple of days ago, so
it may have been fixed already.

You've suggested the use of >2.1.114 kernel, but 2.1.105 was the greatest
kernel version for which the patches existed in the snapshot that I used.

Thanks for the help with the MediaGX issues. I will try out the new
snapshot soon.

I have a few new questions:

1. I was playing with modules today and I get these error messages from
modprobe "modprobe ... Out of file handle". What does it mean and how do I
fix that?
2. In the patched and rebuilt kernel 2.1.105 I lost the screen scroll
capability (Shift+PgUp and Shift+PgDown). Why did this happen and how do I
get it back?



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