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  From: teunis <>
  To  :
  Date: Wed, 19 Aug 1998 11:08:58 -0700 (MST)


On Wed, 19 Aug 1998, Rodolphe Ortalo wrote:

> [I don't quote anything from former posts, because I guess
>  everyone read them, and they are long...]
> Well, first, let's say I'm glad of the way this RFC was written and
> commented. I'm also glad that Jon did this first try... (In other words,
> thanks for the work ;-)
> I tend to agree with the overall design of Jon. And I also tend to
> agree with the comments Scott McNab made.
> To summurize my views (with Jon's proposal as the basis):
>  - I don't really feel the need for having a notion of camera in
> libggi3d. I would be happy with simple 2D parameters in libggi3d
> (in fact, projected 2D parms, plus 1/Z, U,V, etc...)

I can't think of a reason unless libGGI3D does clipping (which is a good
idea).  In that case, full camera info -should- be present - or at least
available to the renderers.
	(a 'renderer' extension to libGGI3D?  or KGI/...?)

>  - I think that Z-buffer wouldn't be so annoying to manage.
> Jon does not seem to have the same view, so, could you point the things
> that worry you on this point Jon ?

A Z-buffer requires X,Y,Z present...
(hmm - yer comment above about U,V,...  hmmmm.  I've got code that has up 
to 27 discrete coordinates... just a simple gouraud-shaded
multitexture+transform renderer...)

>  - I also think alpha management could be very useful and not so
> difficult... (Same comment as previous point.)

it's part of that shading_data...

Now thinking about it:
	Coordinate clipping requires info about -all- present coordinates.
	mayhaps we need to think about this further?  (don't know)

>  - I want clipping in libggi3d also.

See above...  and this requires also the camera info (view frustrum,etc)
to be available....

>  - I am not yet completly clear of how you want to manage textures ?
> What about texture cache management also ? You associate that to
> a particular shader, that's the idea ? BTW, I tend to like that idea
> of registering & using shaders like you proposed.

extension to libGGI:
	video cache management
handles allocation of videobuffers for functions requiring such (BITBLT in
libGGI, libGGI2D, texturemapping in libGGI3D, fonts, additional screen
targets for displays that support such, ...)

int register_buffertype(struct buffertype { int visible, char *name; } )
<handle> request_videobuffer(int width,int height,int bpp,int buffer,
			     int buffer_type);
	[it makes sense in case hw needs this on specific boundaries]

either that or:
<handle> request_videobuffer(size_t size, int blocktype,
			     void *additional_data);

I'm not sure from here.

G'day, eh? :)
	- Teunis

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