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  From: Jon M. Taylor <>
  To  :
  Date: Tue, 18 Aug 1998 22:02:00 -0700 (PDT)


On Wed, 19 Aug 1998, Scott McNab wrote:

> > 	OK, here's my first stab at nailing down my LibGGI3D system
> > proposal.  Feedback is appreciated. 
> A few good ideas, however I think there are a number of serious limitations
> to this system which will inhibit its usability. I havnt got time at the
> moment to comment properly but I'll try to mention a few off the top of my 
> head to begin with:
> [stuff-cut]
> > II. Overall design
> > 
> > 	So the keyword here is "simple".  If OpenGL is too complex, then
> > let's look at what parts of OpenGL we *don't* need: 
> > 
> > * 3D world modeling.  We don't need it, and it can be implemented on top
> > of LibGGI3D if needed.  Our job is to do 3D drawing, not model worlds. 
> Granted.
> > * Complex object representational schemes (polyhedra, surfaces,
> > constructive solid geometry).  Again, this is a job for a higher-level
> > API.  All of that stuff is tesselated down before rendering anyway, so
> > LibGGI3D can be designed with the assumption that such tesellation has
> > already been done.
> Sounds fair. 
> > * Lighting, shading, texture mapping, or any other such algorithms.  All
> > of these are methods for determining the color of a pixel based on certain
> > data.  If we give up world-building (see above), we no longer have the
> > necessary information to shade pixels properly.  We need to provide a
> > general way to shade pixels, but not make any assumptions about how that
> > shading should be done.  That, again, is a job for higher API levels.
> > 
> > 
> > 	So, what are we left with?  Essentially, we are left with two
> > basic concepts: 3D drawing and 3D shading.  That is all we need in our
> > API. But of course there are features we will need to have in order to 
> > implement these primitives cleanly and with maximum flexibility.  So now 
> > we get to the specifics of the LibGGI3D API design.
> > 
> > 	The first feature is the notion of a camera.  This is just two
> > sets of 3D coordinates which specify a viewpoint and a direction.  This is
> > necessary to map the 3D coordinate space onto the 2D coordinate space of
> > the display.
> Umm hangon...the notion of a camera is directly related to the concept
> of a model space which we have decided we are not going to deal with.

	Unless you want to force the camera to (0,0,-1) or something,
you'll need to be able to change it.  I guess we could force a
standardized coordinate system and ditch the camera, but that could cause
complications maybe.  I dunno.  If it can work, it would be a useful

> The triangle drawing code doesnt care where the triangles are in space, 
> only what the screen coordinates & Z value are so it can fill the screen
> scanlines whilst applying perspective correction on textures etc (and 
> Z-buffering).

	Good point.  You still need a Z scaling factor for scaling and
perspective correction, though. 

> > 	Next is the notion of triangle drawing.  LibGGI3D will have only
> > one drawing function, DrawTriangle().  The triangle is the fundamental
> > object of LibGGI3D.  All other 3D shapes can be tesellated into triangles,
> > which are the prototypical polygon.
> A DrawTriangleStrip() primitive is almost as essential as a DrawTriangle()
> primitive because it has the potential to cut vertex bandwidth requirements
> by 1/3rd. It is supported by most new 3D chipsets and can also lead to a
> more efficient software rendering implementation too.

	DrawTriangleSet is essentially that.  Triangles give you polygons
and triangle sets (of which triangle strips are a subtype) give you shapes
and surfaces. 

> > 	So, all LibGGI3D does is draw shaded triangles in a particular
> > coordinate system.  End of story.  With these simple tools, almost any
> > type of 3D hardware/software acceleration combo can be used and used
> > fairly well.  Many common 3D video cards are based on triangles, and for
> > those that are not (infinite planes, polygons) we can still use triangles
> > or collections of triangles to represent polygons or polyhedra.
> There is a lot more to 3D than its coordinate system. If you are going to
> support coordinate systems directly then you will also need to support
> things such as view volume culling etc. 

	I realize this.  A simple way to handle this is a pyramidal view
volume whose base is the screen and whose apex is the vanishing point.  We
could also do a truncated pyramid, clipped off at the furthest Z
coordinate.  I've done all this before.

> Not supporting this properly makes
> the API useless. 

	I thought it was a given.  And it wouldn't make the API useless,
just slower as the 2D clipping catches all triangles rendered offscreen. 
But 3D clipping is the way to go. 

> > IV. Other stuff (FAQs)
> > 
> > Q: What about z-buffering?  You said you were going to make that part of 
> > the API.
> > 
> > A: I changed my mind.  Once you start worrying about buffers, their
> > dimensions, their layout, their coordinate system, etc etc you open up a
> > whole can of worms.  If people want these features, they can either write
> > a DirectBuffer equivalent or draw to a secondary depth buffer.  LibGGI3D
> > is for drawing only.  Extra stuff should have its own API. 
> Z-buffering is an integral part of 3D rendering. 

	The notion of depth is an integral part of 3D rendering.

> If you dont support this
> at the rendering primitive layer then where else are you going to support
> it? 

	Rasterization is done at render time or applied to the triangle
vertices before sending them to the hardware.  If people want a z-buffer
which the drawing functions render into, they can use a z-buffer rendering
target which will draw into an array.  This could then be dumped to a
hardware depth buffer, rendered to a 2D frame buffer, or whathaveyou. 

	The point is not that I don't want people to have customized
buffers available.  That is fine with me, and I might even write the code
for it!  But LibGGI3D is not about that, it is about drawing shaded
triangles in 3D space.

> The whole point is that pixels are accepted or rejected individually.

	The whole point is that pixels do not exist outside of an indexed
buffer system.  If people want such a system, they can have the triangle
drawing routines render into such buffers.  But that is just another
LibGGI3D drawing target.  Not everyone needs or wants a discrete pixel

> This means the higher level stuff doesnt need to worry about calculating
> how to render two polygons which may be intersecting in any number of
> ways. Drawing intersecting 3D objects is almost impossible without
> Z-buffering, or at least extremely computationally intensive and 
> impractical.

	See below.  LibGGI3D doesn't try to do that.  That isn't its
purpose.  I don't want to bloat it with those concerns. 
> > A: Nope.  LibGGI3D does not concern itself with hidden surface removal. 
> > None of the triangles are "aware" that the others exist.  Remember,
> > there's no 3D world here.  If you want a 3D world, write LibGGI3Dworld or
> > use OpenGL.
> Argh! It HAS to concernt itself with hidden surface removal. Here you
> have said you dont want a 3D world yet you want to be able to to draw 
> triangles from given world coordinates looking in a specified direction.
> Thats a pretty good description of a world modelling system if you ask me.

	No, it is a coordinate transform.  A "world" has sets of objects,
lights, environment etc etc.
> > 	That's all for now.  Take a look and let me know what you think. 
> OK enough complaining, this is what I think :)
> 1. LibGGI3D should be a 3D primitive rendering system, just like 
>    LibGGI2D is a 2D primitive rendering system (well as far as I know).

	That's the idea.

>    Therefore it should provide support for things which are essential for
>    rendering 3D primitives which are:
> 	   - drawing triangles and triangle strips in 2D SCREEN SPACE with
> 		 additional parameters for Z value (or 1/Z) and shading/texture
> 		 coordinates etc.

	I have to have the 3D coords to render into a z-buffer.

> 	   - support for 3D specific things such as Z-buffer and possibly
> 		 alpha buffer.

	Which is done by drawing to a buffer target.

>    This is similar to LibGGI2D which deals with (well should if it doesn't)
>    things such as Points, Lines, BitBlt, etc which are 2D specific.
> 2. LibGGI3D should NOT concern itself with object->world->window space
>    coordinate conversions. If hardware becomes available which can
>    accellerate this through hardware matrix multiplication of vertices or
>    something then this could be incorperated into a separate library.

	It undoubtedly will be.

>    This seems to be the biggest point of confusion regarding libGGI3D
>    at the moment and I think its important to make a clear distinction
>    between 3D primitive rendering and 3D object management/transformations.
> A good way to get a better understanding of these things is by downloading
> the 3DFX Glide programmers documentation. 

	I have done so, and even printed it and had it bound at Kinko's. 
I have used Glide before - I wrote the LibGGI Glide display target.  Not
too complex and no 3D, but... anyway, I will probably be using Glide as my
first LibGGI3D display target, so I will get to know it a lot better. 

> I'm not saying Glide is the only
> way by any means but their library is well designed in many areas. 

	Their "library" is a device driver.  It only has to take into
account a fixed hardware platform and this makes its design a lot simpler. 
What if I want to have DrawTriangleSet() render to PowerVR infinite
planes, hm?

> The
> distinction between 3D world coordinates and 2D screen coordinates of 
> rendered polygons is clearly separated from the library. To include this
> in the library makes it considerably more complex because suddenly you 
> have to include stuff like view volumes, clipping, etc. This layer is 
> what belongs in Mesa/libGGI3DWorld/etc.

	LibGGI2D does clipping.  Why shouldn't LibGGI3D?

> This system keeps the library clean and simple and makes it easy to 
> provide hardware accelleration support for a range of different chipsets.

	Huh?  Glide supports 3Dfx hardware only.

> It would also map quite nicely to the Mesa device rendering subsystem
> if people wanted a complete 3D object management/transformation system
> yet still allow for specific cases to use the library directly.
> Anyway thats just my first thoughts on the matter. I'm open to comments/
> suggestions if you think my head is screwed on backwards ;)

	Your points are mostly good, but I have to maintain
representational independence in order to be able to support a lot of
different types of hardware and software schemes.  If I stay away from
buffers, I can use them when needed and still be able to do direct
rendering in software or hardware when needed.


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	- Scientist G. Richard Seed

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