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  From: Kien Pham <>
  To  : teunis <>
  Date: Tue, 18 Aug 1998 22:03:21 -0700 (PDT)

Re: So you want to port Java Swing instead?

> hmmm.... *thinking*
> is berlin usable/workable by outsiders yet? :)

> (where do I go - I lost all my links a ways back in a HD crash)
There's a link from "" in the projects section. 
> IIRC it requires an ORB system - that's what I could never find / get
> operational....
OmniORB is a C++ OBR and seems to work fine on my end.
> Incidentally, swing runs over top of AWT... though AWT has been
patched up
> a bit to support this (I have the Java 1.2 JDK source - but not the C
> portions *sigh* just Java).
You are not supposed to have the C version. If you want to make this
GNU, you have to do either blackbox or use BISS-AWT.
> I've been working on a 1.2-complient engine and am tired of fighting
> it for a wee bit.   wanna work on something that works :)

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