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  From: Marcus Sundberg <>
  To  :
  Date: Wed, 19 Aug 1998 04:44:03 +0200

sysctl support added to kgicon

I have been toying around a bit with sysctl and added an interface
to kgicon.
Currently it can be used to change the max/min parameters of
the multisync monitor on the fly.

The monitor-drivers will be merged, so the multisync part is
not of great interrest, but please try it out (it works for
me at least ;)
Also there should be an abstraction between sysctl and the
subsystem drivers, as KGI-drivers is supposed to be portable.
So we need an abstracted interface to change driverparameters
on the fly.

Steffen, how's the new KGI system coming along?
Is there any point in improving the current KGI API, or are
the new system ready soon?

Also, if you remove the kgicon module while any process has
the any directory below /proc/sys/dev as cwd you will get
an oops. I'll have to check how the cdrom.o module does to
prevent module-removal in this case.


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