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  From: Christian Reiniger <>
  To  :
  Date: Tue, 18 Aug 1998 16:25:52 +0200

Re: 3d

Jon M. Taylor wrote:

>> > AFAIK last fight we had IIRC we'd decided on using OpenGL as the API.
>> I agree with that. Open GL is an existing standard. I don't believe we need yet
>> anotherAPI. 
>	It is *a* standard, not *the* standard.  There's certainly room
>for others. 

Perhaps he means OpenGL should be the only user level API, i.e. it wouldn't
be a good idea to try to replace OpenGL with some other API.

I for my part would like to see some minimalistic hardware abstraction lib
(libggi3d) with Mesa/OpenGL sitting on top of it.

>	But if you *also* start from nothing, you can create a small
>LibGGI3D that would do primitive 3D rendering/shading, and that is all
>some people want.

Seems as if you think somehow the same (?)


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