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  From: Matthias Grimrath <>
  To  :
  Date: Tue, 18 Aug 1998 02:33:43 +0200

Re: Matrox Mystique update

Dan Hollis wrote:
>On Mon, 17 Aug 1998, Matthias Grimrath wrote:
>> I've updated the Mystique driver.  It works with the fbcon and
>> (listen, listen) is multihead capable.  Anyone with two cards please
>> test it.
>What else can multihead? What can the matrox mix with? Mach64? S3? What?

In theory it can mix with any PCI card with a non-broken PCI BIOS. 
I've tested it with a Mach64CT in VGA compatible mode.  It is
important though that the Mystique is _not_ activated by the BIOS
after a reset. (Otherwise the KGI driver for the other card has to be
multihead capable as well)

Which card actually gets activated after a reset depends on the BIOS
and the PCI slot.  Try it out.

To exploit multihead with the framebuffer devices only map some of the
virtual consoles to the Mystique with the con2fbmap utility. 
However, I couldn't test this part so far, so I depend on feedback
from others.

BTW, I forgot to mention 2 bugs:
- fbcon-kgi hangs the computer if no vgafb driver is loaded
  beforehand, i.e. fbcon-kgi may not be loaded first.
- if the Mystique driver refuses to install itself (maybe because it
  couldn't a Mystique) this results in a quite dangerous situation. 
  On my computer, it continuosly sets new modes with increasing
  display refresh rates.  (Luckily my monitor has a protection
  circuit I recognized this way ...)

Matthias Grimrath

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