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  From: teunis <>
  To  :
  Date: Mon, 17 Aug 1998 17:31:01 -0700 (MST)

Re: 3d

On Mon, 17 Aug 1998, Marcus Sundberg wrote:

> > PS: On the DirectBuffer comments - IMHO support isn't ready for this
> > either yet but this one -should- be done soon!
> If you are talking about the DirectBuffer system in libggi it's ready
> to handle any buffer you can possible imagine.
> And requesting Z-buffers doesn't belong in the core libggi, that's
> stuff that belong in some extension.

Ah - but it has to be -requested- from the hardware.  sometimes.  Most of
the time you're just requesting a buffer of "x" size inside of videoram.
Some cards might impose a restriction on where that buffer can be (ie:
only on 8-byte boundary). Some cards may only allow certain kinds of
buffers or have flags on buffers to provide special acceleration - say
Z-buffer, bitmap, alpha-buffer, MPEG/YCbCr buffer, ...

Is -THAT- handled by libGGI?
(that's the part that matters)

Sending graphics commands (ie ggiDrawPixel with Z-buffer) should be in an
extension though - such as a Z-buffer extension of GGI2D.

Last I looked the basic buffer-request code didn't exist.  Does it now?
(I've really lost track of what's present in libGGI)

Incidentaly - the above mechanism would work great for setting up the
secondary window-support on the S3-Trio64V+ and above series cards
(including ViRGE et al) for overlapping displays and other special
effects. This is all nice 'n all but where would I setup the secondary
window?  And where would I add an extension for
multi-display-on-same-screen support?  (suggestions? :)
This one I'll code right away as soon as I see how....

G'day, eh? :)
	- Teunis

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