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  From: David Waite <>
  To  :
  Date: Mon, 17 Aug 1998 20:28:15 -0400

RE: 3d

> *heh*  I -still- don't have a working OpenGL system *deep
> sigh*.  Having

Whats the problem? No probs getting things to work here.

> trouble with how to handle error-conditions.  (I -really-
> want exceptions
> but that doesn't seem such a good idea for some sections [ie: 3D
> rendering] but can't think of a better way of doing it.  If
> anyone has any
> ideas PLEASE let me know.  But TWO rules:  (1) Code is
> multithreaded so
> method must be reentrant (no 'errno') (object-oriented is handy).
> Absolutely -no- C++.  I can't use it.])

how about java? Magician (looking...
is a java wrapper for Opengl, which works for Mesa GL on linux and MS's OGL
implementation on Windows, and is a proposed standard to the ARB). Quite
fast on this machine, too. Not as fast as say C calling OGL, but still
rather nice.

-David Waite

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