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  From: Tristan Wibberley <>
  To  :
  Date: Tue, 18 Aug 1998 01:37:04 +0100

Re: I have seen the.. umm.. demo!

Marcus Sundberg wrote:

> * A libgwt that has basic functionality working and stubs for
>   most other things as soon as possible. I won't say anything
>   more at this point but I have some pretty exciting ideas
>   involving libgwt...


libgwt is developing nicely, I have some programs that I use to test and
debug the tree Rodolphe and I have (I don't know what's in the CVS tree
right now) and it's *looks* good. But Rodolphe and I are being careful
to code well in preference to quickly. The way libgwt works should
increase performance when drawing with a (small) sacrifice in speed when
manipulating windows because penguin GUI will need this. The current
mechanisms are not finalised though they will remain in place at least
until a later version when libgwt is more functional.

But please don't press for releases and features because that will only
hinder development at this stage. Thanks.


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