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  From: David Waite <>
  To  :
  Date: Mon, 17 Aug 1998 15:47:10 -0400

RE: Matrox update.

Ahh, I'll look at the code, I need to add a similar value to the IBM ramdac
stuff I'm working on.

-David Waite

> You can use it like this:
> ./insert ramdac_mhz=_your_mhz_value_
> Is there a way to detect the MHz value of the TI tvp3026 radac?

I know that the IBM ramdac doesn't have any documented way to tell the
difference. They were nice enough to not change a revision or ID number for
the different speeds, and have no defined behavior for setting a higher
speed on the lower ramdac.

X may have a way to detect this sort of thing, I know it can detect the
sysclock speed for my ramdac somehow. I can't remember if it detects the max
speed somehow too =)

-David Waite

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