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  From: Andrew Apted <>
  To  :
  Date: Mon, 3 Aug 1998 22:47:55 +1000

Kgicon update

Hi folks,

I've committed some more fixes to kgicon (fbcon-kgi.c).  
Here's the log message:

    More reworking.  Rearranged things (especially) kgifb_set_var to
    handle the fact that kgifb_display.mmio is only valid _after_ a mode
    has been set.  Put back the code that handles mmio == NULL.  Made it
    so that unsupported modes (either unsupported by the KGI driver, or
    unsupported by an fbcon handler) will fail gracefully.  An insmod
    with an unsupported mode should also fail gracefully now.  Made the
    initial width, height & depth specifiable on the insmod command

Also fixed a problem with panning left & right.  It now doesn't go to
pieces when insmodding or fbsetting with an invalid mode.  To set the
default mode when insmodding, use something like :

    insmod kgicon.o kgicon_initial_width=1024 kgicon_initial_height=768

_____________________________________________  ____
                                               \  /
  Andrew Apted   <>       \/

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