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  From: Andrew Apted <>
  To  :
  Date: Tue, 18 Aug 1998 00:08:07 +1000

Re: Change in fbcon API

Geert writes:

>  On Sat, 15 Aug 1998, Andrew Apted wrote:
>  > The internal fbcon API has been changed WRT to the palette
>  > setting/getting functions.  Below is the message that was posted to
>  > linux-m68k.  [The driver is now responsible for downscaling the colors,
>  > which is a Good Thing (tm)].  This change has already hit the VGER
>  > kernel tree, and should hit Linus' tree in 2.1.116 or 117 (I'm guessing).
>  Bad luck. Linus said he doesn't want to see any more patches for
>  drivers/video, except for _one_ large patch just before the release
>  of 2.2 :-(

:-( indeed.

>  > I'm going update my fbcon-kgi.c (so it actually works here :-), but I
>  > won't commit it until this change hits Linus' tree, since that would
>  > break it for everyone else.
>  Everyone switch to vger?

I've worked around it with lots of "#ifdef VGER_KERNEL" all over the
place, I guess they'll have to stay there for a lot longer that I
expected.  Oh well.

_____________________________________________  ____
                                               \  /
  Andrew Apted   <>       \/

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